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Title Recent Developments and Operational Status of the Compact ERL at KEK
  • T. Obina, M. Adachi, S. Adachi, T. Akagi, M. Akemoto, D.A. Arakawa, S. Araki, S. Asaoka, M. Egi, K. Enami, K. Endo, S. Fukuda, T. Furuya, K. Haga, K. Hara, K. Harada, T. Honda, Y. Hondapresenter, H. Honma, T. Honma, K. Hosoyama, K. Hozumi, A. Ishii, X.J. Jin, E. Kako, Y. Kamiya, H. Katagiri, R. Kato, H. Kawata, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Kojima, Y. Kondo, T. Konomi, A. Kosuge, T. Kume, T. Matsumoto, H. Matsumura, H. Matsushita, S. Michizono, T. Miura, T. Miyajima, H. Miyauchi, S. Nagahashi, H. Nakai, H. Nakajima, N. Nakamura, K. Nakanishi, K. Nakao, K.N. Nigorikawa, T. Nogami, S. Noguchi, S. Nozawa, T. Ozaki, F. Qiu, H. Sagehashi, H. Sakai, S. Sakanaka, S. Sasaki, K. Satoh, Y. Seimiya, T. Shidara, M. Shimada, K. Shinoe, T. Shioya, T. Shishido, M. Tadano, T. Tahara, T. Takahashi, R. Takai, H. Takaki, T. Takenaka, O. Tanaka, Y. Tanimoto, N. Terunuma, M. Tobiyama, K. Tsuchiya, T. Uchiyama, A. Ueda, K. Umemori, J. Urakawa, K. Watanabe, M. Yamamoto, N. Yamamoto, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Yano, M. Yoshida
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • R. Hajima, M. Mori, R. Nagai, N. Nishimori, M. Sawamura, T. Shizuma
    QST, Tokai, Japan
  • M. Kuriki
    Hiroshima University, Graduate School of Science, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
Abstract The Compact Energy Recovery Linac (cERL) at KEK is a test accelerator in order to develop key components to realize remarkable ERL performance as a future light source. After the beam commissioning in December 2013, the legal current limit has been increased step-by-step like 1 uA, 10 uA, and 100 uA. Survey for the source of beam losses has been conducted in each step, and the study on beam dynamics and tuning has also been carried out. As a next step, 1 mA operation is scheduled in February 2016. In parallel to the increase in beam current, a laser Compton scattering (LCS) system which can provide high-flux X-ray to a beamline has been successfully commissioned. We report recent progress in various kinds of beam tuning: improvement of electron gun performance, high bunch charge operation, mitigation of beam losses, LCS optics tuning and bunch compression for THz radiation.
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Conference IPAC2016, Busan, Korea
Series International Particle Accelerator Conference (7th)
Proceedings Link to full IPAC2016 Proccedings
Session Poster Session
Date 10-May-16   16:00–18:00
Main Classification 02 Photon Sources and Electron Accelerators
Sub Classification A18 Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs)
Keywords operation, linac, emittance, laser, gun
Publisher JACoW, Geneva, Switzerland
Editors Christine Petit-Jean-Genaz (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland); Dong Eon Kim (PAL, Pohang, Republic of Korea); Kyung Sook Kim (PAL, Pohang, Republic of Korea); In Soo Ko (POSTECH, Pohang, Republic of Korea); Volker RW Schaa (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
ISBN 978-3-95450-147-2
Published June 2016
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