Author: Xie, Y.
Paper Title Page
MOPC108 Cornell SRF New Materials Program* 328
  • S. Posen, M. Liepe, Y. Xie
    CLASSE, Ithaca, New York, USA
  Funding: Work supported by NSF Career award PHY-0841213, DOE award ER41628, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
The SRF group at Cornell has recently pioneered an extensive program to investigate alternative materials for superconducting cavities. We have developed facilities to fabricate Nb3Sn, a superconductor which will theoretically be able to reach more than twice the maximum accelerating field of Nb in a cavity under the same operating conditions. In addition, with the critical temperature of Nb3Sn being twice that of Nb, Nb3Sn would allow operation of SRF cavities with a much higher cryogenic efficiency. We have also manufactured two TE cavities that measure the RF properties of small, flat samples, ideal for material fabrication methods in development. This paper presents an overview of the materials research program. First results from tests of Nb3Sn samples are presented.