Author: Raatikainen, R.J.
Paper Title Page
TUPC018 Progress on Modelling of the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of the CLIC Two-Beam Module 1033
  • R.J. Raatikainen, K. Osterberg
    HIP, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • T.O. Niinikoski, G. Riddone
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The luminosity goal of the CLIC collider, currently under study, imposes micrometer mechanical stability of the 2-m long two-beam modules, the shortest repetitive elements of the main linacs. These modules will be exposed to variable high power dissipation during operation resulting in mechanical distortions in and between module components. The stability of the CLIC module will be tested in laboratory conditions at CERN in a full-scale prototype module. In this paper, the FEA model developed for CLIC prototype module is described. The thermal and structural results for the new module configuration are presented considering the thermo-mechanical behavior of the CLIC collider in its primary operation modes. These results will be compared to the laboratory measurements to be done during 2011 and 2012 with the full-scale prototype module. The experimental results will allow for better understanding of the module behaviour and they will be propagated back to the present thermo-mechanical model.