Author: Meot, F.     [Méot, F.]
Paper Title Page
TUPZ039 Modelling of the AGS Using Zgoubi - Status 1897
  • F. Méot, L. A. Ahrens, Y. Dutheil, J.W. Glenn, H. Huang, T. Roser, N. Tsoupas
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  Models of the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron, based on stepwise ray-tracing methods using both mathematical modelling or field maps so to represent the optical elements, including the siberian snakes, are being developed based on stepwise ray-tracing numerical tools. The topic is introduced in earlier PAC and IPAC publications, a status is given here.  
TUPZ035 RHIC Polarized Proton Status and Operation Highlights 1888
  • H. Huang, L. A. Ahrens, I.G. Alekseev, E.C. Aschenauer, G. Atoian, M. Bai, A. Bazilevsky, M. Blaskiewicz, J.M. Brennan, K.A. Brown, D. Bruno, A. Dion, K.A. Drees, W. Fischer, J.W. Glenn, X. Gu, L.T. Hoff, C. Liu, Y. Luo, W.W. MacKay, Y. Makdisi, G.J. Marr, A. Marusic, F. Méot, M.G. Minty, C. Montag, J. Morris, A. Poblaguev, V. Ptitsyn, G. Robert-Demolaize, T. Roser, W.B. Schmidke, V. Schoefer, D. Smirnov, S. Tepikian, J.E. Tuozzolo, G. Wang, K. Yip, A. Zaltsman, A. Zelenski, S.Y. Zhang
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  • D. Svirida
    ITEP, Moscow, Russia
  RHIC op­er­a­tion as the po­lar­ized pro­ton col­lid­er pre­sents unique chal­lenges since both lu­mi­nos­i­ty and spin po­lar­iza­tion are im­por­tant. A lot of up­grades and mod­i­fi­ca­tions have been made since last po­lar­ized pro­ton op­er­a­tion. A 9 MHz rf sys­tem has been in­stalled to im­prove lon­gi­tu­di­nal match at in­jec­tion and to in­crease lu­mi­nos­i­ty. A ver­ti­cal sur­vey of RHIC was per­formed be­fore the run to get bet­ter mag­net align­ment. The orbit con­trol has also been im­proved this year. AGS po­lar­iza­tion trans­fer ef­fi­cien­cy is improved by a horizontal tune jump system. To pre­serve po­lar­iza­tion on the ramp, a new work­ing point was cho­sen with the ver­ti­cal tune near a third order res­o­nance. The orbit and tune control are essential for polarization preservation. To calibrate the polarization level at 250 GeV, polarized protons were accelerated up to 250GeV and decelerated back to 100GeV. The tune, orbit and chromaticity feedback is essential for this operation. The new record of luminosity was achieved with higher polarization at 250 GeV in this run. The overview of the changes and op­er­a­tion re­sults are pre­sent­ed in this paper.  
THPZ001 Spin Dynamic Tool Developments and Study Regarding the Super-B Project 3681
  • N. Monseu, J.-M. De Conto
    LPSC, Grenoble, France
  • F. Méot
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  • U. Wienands
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  The study of polarization is essential for e+/e- colliders like the SuperB machine. The ZGOUBI integrator is a good and universal tool for particle tracking as well as spin tracking, and takes into account all machine realistic aspects, like real fields, non-linearities, fringing fields or misalignments. We present ZGOUBI implementation and the methods carried out to estimate invariant spin field and beam polarization evolution on some simple models (for validation) and on SuperB, and we investigate for some specific polarization behavior.