Author: Hening, A.
Paper Title Page
THPS087 Engineering Prototype for a Compact Medical Dielectric Wall Accelerator 3636
  • A. Zografos, T. Brown, A. Hening, V. Joshkin, K. Leung, Y.K. Parker, H.T. Pearce-Percy, D. Pearson, M. Rougieri, J. Weir
    CPAC, Livermore, CA, USA
  • R. Becker
    SSS, Gelnhausen, Germany
  • D.T. Blackfield, G.J. Caporaso, Y.-J. Chen, S. Falabella, G. Guethlein, S.A. Hawkins, S.D. Nelson, B. R. Poole, J.A. Watson
    LLNL, Livermore, California, USA
  • R.W. Hamm
    R&M Technical Enterprises, Pleasanton, California, USA
  Funding: Prepared by LLNL under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.
The Compact Particle Accelerator Corporation has developed an architecture to produce pulsed proton bunches that will be suitable for proton treatment of cancers. Subsystems include a RFQ injection system with a pulsed kicker to select the desired proton bunches and a linear accelerator incorporating a High Gradient Insulator with stacked Blumleins to produce the required voltage. The Blumleins are switched with solid state laser driven optical switches that are an integral part of the Blumlein assemblies. Other subsystems include a laser, a fiber optic distribution system, an electrical charging system and beam diagnostics. An engineering prototype has been constructed and it has been fully characterized. Results obtained from the engineering prototype support the development of an extremely compact 150 MeV system capable of modulating energy, beam current and spot size on a shot to shot basis within the next two years. The paper will detail the construction of the engineering prototype and discuss experimental results. In addition, future development milestones and commercialization plans will also be discussed.