Author: Burton, G.W.
Paper Title Page
THPC178 Superconducting Planar Undulator Development in the UK 3320
  • J.A. Clarke, D.J. Scott, B.J.A. Shepherd
    STFC/DL/ASTeC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • V. Bayliss, T.W. Bradshaw, A.J. Brummitt, G.W. Burton, M.J.D. Courthold, M.J. Hills, S.R. Watson, M.L. Woodward
    STFC/RAL, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, United Kingdom
  Superconducting undulators promise higher peak fields on axis than any other technology but they are still not a mainstream solution for 3rd or 4th generation light sources. A team within the UK is developing the design of a short period, narrow aperture, superconducting undulator that is planned to be installed and tested in the Diamond Light Source (DLS) in 2014. This paper will describe the main parameters of the undulator and the key design choices that have been made. Recent progress is then described in the areas of magnet modelling, mechanical design, cryogenic design, and prototyping. Finally, the next steps are described.