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BiBTeX citation export for TUPDP087: Enhancing Measurement Quality in HL-LHC Magnets Testing Using Software Techniques on Digital Multimeter Cards-Based System

  author       = {H. Reymond and O.Ø. Andreassen and M. Charrondiere and C. Charrondière and P.D. Jankowski},
  title        = {{Enhancing Measurement Quality in HL-LHC Magnets Testing Using Software Techniques on Digital Multimeter Cards-Based System}},
% booktitle    = {Proc. ICALEPCS'23},
  booktitle    = {Proc. 19th Int. Conf. Accel. Large Exp. Phys. Control Syst. (ICALEPCS'23)},
  eventdate    = {2023-10-09/2023-10-13},
  pages        = {729--734},
  paper        = {TUPDP087},
  language     = {english},
  keywords     = {software, hardware, controls, operation, LabView},
  venue        = {Cape Town, South Africa},
  series       = {International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems},
  number       = {19},
  publisher    = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland},
  month        = {02},
  year         = {2024},
  issn         = {2226-0358},
  isbn         = {978-3-95450-238-7},
  doi          = {10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-TUPDP087},
  url          = {https://jacow.org/icalepcs2023/papers/tupdp087.pdf},
  abstract     = {{The HL-LHC magnets play a critical role in the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider project, which aims to increase the luminosity of the LHC and enable more precise studies of fundamental physics. Ensuring the performance and reliability of these magnets requires high-precision measurements of their electrical properties during testing. To meet the R&D program needs of the new superconducting magnet technology, an accurate and generic voltage measurement system was developed after the testing and validation campaign of the LHC magnets. The system was based on a set of digital multimeter (DMM) cards installed in a PXI modular chassis and controlled using CERN’s in-house software development. It allowed for the measurement of the electrical properties of the magnet prototypes during their study phase. However, during the renovation of the magnet test benches and in preparation for the HL-LHC magnet series measurement, some limitations and instabilities were discovered during long recording measurements. As a result, it was decided to redesign the measurement system. The emergence and promises of the new PXIe platform, along with the requirement to build eight new systems to be operated similarly to the existing four, led to a complete redesign of the software. This article describes the various software techniques employed to address platform compatibility issues and significantly improve measurement accuracy, thus ensuring the reliability and quality of the data obtained from the HL-LHC magnet tests. }},