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@unpublished{cook:icalepcs2021-thbr05, author = {N.M. Cook and S.K. Barber and S.J. Coleman and J.P. Edelen and R. Nagler and J. van Tilborg}, title = {{An integrated scheme for online correction of laser focal position}}, booktitle = {Proc. ICALEPCS'21}, language = {english}, intype = {presented at the}, series = {International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems}, number = {18}, venue = {Shanghai, China}, publisher = {JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland}, month = {03}, year = {2022}, note = {presented at ICALEPCS'21 in Shanghai, China, unpublished}, abstract = {{High repetition-rate, ultrafast laser systems play a critical role in a host of modern scientific and industrial applications. We present a prototype diagnostic and correction scheme for controlling laser focal position for operation at 10s of Hz. Our strategy is to couple fast wavefront sensor measurements at multiple positions to generate a focal position prediction. We then train a neural network to predict the specific adjustments to adaptive actuators along the beamline to provide the desired correction to the focal position at 10s of ms timescales. Our initial proof-of-principle demonstrations leverage pre-compiled data and pre-trained networks operating ex-situ from the laser system. We then discuss the application of a high-level synthesis framework for generating a low-level hardware description of ML-based correction algorithms on FPGA hardware coupled directly to the beamline. Lastly, we consider the use of remote computing resources, such as the Sirepo scientific framework*, to actively update these correction schemes in the presence of new data}}, }