Author: Varnasseri, S.
Paper Title Page
MOPMU007 ISHN Ion Source Control System Overview 436
  • M. Eguiraun, I. Arredondo, J. Feuchtwanger, G. Harper, M. del Campo
    ESS-Bilbao, Zamudio, Spain
  • J. Jugo
    University of the Basque Country, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bilbao, Spain
  • S. Varnasseri
    ESS Bilbao, LEIOA, Spain
  Funding: The present work is supported by the Basque Government and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
ISHN project consists of a Penning ion source which will deliver up to 65mA of H beam pulsed at 50 Hz with a diagnostics vessel for beam testing purposes. The present work analyzes the control system of this research facility. The main devices of ISHN are the power supplies for high density plasma generation and beam extraction, the H2 supply and Cesium heating system, plus refrigeration, vacuum and monitoring devices. The control system implemented with LabVIEW is based on PXI systems from National Instruments, using two PXI chassis connected through a dedicated fiber optic link between HV platform and ground. Source operation is managed by a real time processor at ground, while additional tasks are performed by means of an FPGA located at HV. The real time system manages the control loop of heaters, the H2 pulsed supply for a stable pressure in the plasma chamber, data acquisition from several diagnostics and sensors and the communication with the control room. The FPGA generates the triggers for the different power supplies and H2 flow as well as some data acquisition at high voltage. A PLC is in charge of the vacuum control (two double stage pumps and two turbo pumps), and it is completely independent of the source operation for avoiding risky failures. A dedicated safety PLC is installed to handle personnel safety issues. Current running diagnostics are, ACCT, DCCT, Faraday Cup and a pepperpot. In addition, a MySQL database stores the whole operation parameters while source is running. The aim is to test and train in accelerator technologies for future developments.
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