Author: Uriot, D.
Paper Title Page
MOPMN016 The Spiral2 Radiofrequency Command Control 274
  • D.T. Touchard, C. Berthe, P. Gillette, M. Lechartier, E. Lécorché, G. Normand
    GANIL, Caen, France
  • Y. Lussignol, D. Uriot
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  Mainly for carrying out nuclear physics experiences, the SPIRAL2 facility based at Caen in France will aim to provide new radioactive rare ion or high intensity stable ion beams. The driver accelerator uses several radiofrequency systems: RFQ, buncher and superconducting cavities, driven by independent amplifiers and controlled by digital electronics. This low level radiofrequency subsystem is integrated into a regulated loop driven by the control system. A test of a whole system is foreseen to define and check the computer control interface and applications. This paper describes the interfaces to the different RF equipment into the EPICS based computer control system. CSS supervision and foreseen high level tuning XAL/JAVA based applications are also considered.  
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