Author: Tseng, T.C.
Paper Title Page
MOPKS012 Design and Test of a Girder Control System at NSRRC 183
  • H.S. Wang, J.-R. Chen, M. L. Chen, K.H. Hsu, W.Y. Lai, S.Y. Perng, Y.L. Tsai, T.C. Tseng
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  A gird­er con­trol sys­tem is pro­posed to quick­ly and pre­cise­ly ad­just the dis­place­ment and ro­tat­ing angle of all gird­ers in the stor­age ring with lit­tle man­pow­er at the Tai­wan Pho­ton Source (TPS) pro­ject at Na­tion­al Syn­chrotron Re­search Cen­ter (NSRRC). In this con­trol gird­er sys­tem, six mo­tor­ized cam movers sup­port­ing a gird­er are driv­en on three pedestals to per­form six-ax­is ad­just­ments of a gird­er. A tilt­meter mon­i­tors the pitch and roll of each gird­er; sev­er­al touch sen­sors mea­sure the rel­a­tive dis­place­ment be­tween con­sec­u­tive gird­ers. More­over, a laser po­si­tion sen­si­tive de­tec­tor (PSD) sys­tem mea­sur­ing the rel­a­tive dis­place­ment be­tween straight-sec­tion gird­ers is in­clud­ed in this gird­er con­trol sys­tem. Op­er­a­tor can use sub­rou­tines de­vel­oped by MAT­LAB to con­trol every local gird­er con­trol sys­tem via in­tranet. This paper pre­sents de­tails of de­sign and tests of the gird­er con­trol sys­tem.