Author: Treyer, D.M.
Paper Title Page
MOPKS019 Electro Optical Beam Diagnostics System and its Control at PSI 195
  • P. Chevtsov, F. Müller, V. Schlott, D.M. Treyer
    Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
  • P. Peier
    PSI, Villigen, Switzerland
  • B. Steffen
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  Electro Optical (EO) techniques are very promising non-invasive methods for measuring extremely short (in a sub-picosecond range) electron bunches. A prototype of an EO Bunch Length Monitoring System (BLMS) for the future SwissFEL facility is created at PSI. The core of this system is an advanced fiber laser unit with pulse generating and mode locking electronics. The system is integrated into the EPICS based PSI controls, which significantly simplifies its operations. The paper presents main components of the BLMS and its performance.  
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