Author: Sombrowski, E.
Paper Title Page
THBHAUST04 jddd, a State-of-the-art Solution for Control Panel Development 1189
  • E. Sombrowski, A. Petrosyan, K. Rehlich, W. Schütte
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  Software for graphical user interfaces to control systems may be developed as a rich or thin client. The thin client approach has the advantage that anyone can create and modify control system panels without specific skills in software programming. The Java DOOCS Data Display, jddd, is based on the thin client interaction model. It provides "Include" components and address inheritance for the creation of generic displays. Wildcard operations and regular expression filters are used to customize the graphics content at runtime, e.g. in a "DynamicList" component the parameters have to be painted only once in edit mode and then are automatically displayed multiple times for all available instances in run mode. This paper will describe the benefits of using jddd for control panel design as an alternative to rich client development.  
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