Author: Schweitzer, P.
Paper Title Page
WEMMU005 Fabric Management with Diskless Servers and Quattor on LHCb 691
  • P. Schweitzer, E. Bonaccorsi, L. Brarda, N. Neufeld
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  Large scientific experiments nowadays very often are using large computer farms to process the events acquired from the detectors. In LHCb a small sysadmin team manages 1400 servers of the LHCb Event Filter Farm, but also a wide variety of control servers for the detector electronics and infrastructure computers : file servers, gateways, DNS, DHCP and others. This variety of servers could not be handled without a solid fabric management system. We choose the Quattor toolkit for this task. We will present our use of this toolkit, with an emphasis on how we handle our diskless nodes (Event filter farm nodes and computers embedded in the acquisition electronic cards). We will show our current tests to replace the standard (RedHat/Scientific Linux) way of handling diskless nodes to fusion filesystems and how it improves fabric management.  
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