Author: Pisano, O.X.
Paper Title Page
MOPKN019 ATLAS Detector Control System Data Viewer 137
  • C.A. Tsarouchas, S.A. Roe, S. Schlenker
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • U.X. Bitenc, M.L. Fehling-Kaschek, S.X. Winkelmann
    Albert-Ludwig Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
  • S.X. D'Auria
    University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • D. Hoffmann, O.X. Pisano
    CPPM, Marseille, France
  The ATLAS experiment at CERN is one of the four Large Hadron Collider ex- periments. ATLAS uses a commercial SCADA system (PVSS) for its Detector Control System (DCS) which is responsible for the supervision of the detector equipment, the reading of operational parameters, the propagation of the alarms and the archiving of important operational data in a relational database. DCS Data Viewer (DDV) is an application that provides access to historical data of DCS parameters written to the database through a web interface. It has a modular and flexible design and is structured using a client-server architecture. The server can be operated stand alone with a command-like interface to the data while the client offers a user friendly, browser independent interface. The selection of the metadata of DCS parameters is done via a column-tree view or with a powerful search engine. The final visualisation of the data is done using various plugins such as "value over time" charts, data tables, raw ASCII or structured export to ROOT. Excessive access or malicious use of the database is prevented by dedicated protection mechanisms, allowing the exposure of the tool to hundreds of inexperienced users. The metadata selection and data output features can be used separately by XML configuration files. Security constraints have been taken into account in the implementation allowing the access of DDV by collaborators worldwide. Due to its flexible interface and its generic and modular approach, DDV could be easily used for other experiment control systems that archive data using PVSS.  
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