Author: Park, J.S.
Paper Title Page
WEMMU006 Management Tools for Distributed Control System in KSTAR 694
  • S. Lee, J.S. Hong, J.S. Park, M.K. Park, S.W. Yun
    NFRI, Daejon, Republic of Korea
  The integrated control system of the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) has been developed with distributed control systems based on Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS). It has the essential role of remote operation, supervising of tokamak device and conducting of plasma experiments without any interruption. Therefore, the availability of the control system directly impacts on the entire device performance. For the non-interrupted operation of the KSTAR control system, we have developed a tool named as Control System Monitoring (CSM) to monitor the resources of EPICS Input/Output Controller (IOC) servers (utilization of memory, cpu, disk, network, user-defined process and system-defined process), the soundness of storage systems (storage utilization, storage status), the status of network switches using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), the network connection status of every local control sever using Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), and the operation environment of the main control room and the computer room (temperature, humidity, water-leak) in real time. When abnormal conditions or faults are detected by the CSM, it alerts abnormal or fault alarms to operators. Especially, if critical fault related to the data storage occurs, the CSM sends the simple messages to operator’s mobile phone. In addition to the CSM, other tools, which are subversion for software version control and vmware for the virtualized IT infrastructure, for managing the integrated control system for KSTAR operation will be introduced.  
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