Author: Papillon, E.
Paper Title Page
WEMAU011 LIMA: A Generic Library for High Throughput Image Acquisition 676
  • A. Homs, L. Claustre, A. Kirov, E. Papillon, S. Petitdemange
    ESRF, Grenoble, France
  A significant number of 2D detectors are used in large scale facilities' control systems for quantitative data analysis. In these devices, a common set of control parameters and features can be identified, but most of manufacturers provide specific software control interfaces. A generic image acquisition library, called LIMA, has been developed at the ESRF for a better compatibility and easier integration of 2D detectors to existing control systems. The LIMA design is driven by three main goals: i) independence of any control system to be shared by a wide scientific community; ii) a rich common set of functionalities (e.g., if a feature is not supported by hardware, then the alternative software implementation is provided); and iii) intensive use of events and multi-threaded algorithms for an optimal exploit of multi-core hardware resources, needed when controlling high throughput detectors. LIMA currently supports the ESRF Frelon and Maxipix detectors as well as the Dectris Pilatus. Within a collaborative framework, the integration of the Basler GigE cameras is a contribution from SOLEIL. Although it is still under development, LIMA features so far fast data saving on different file formats and basic data processing / reduction, like software pixel binning / sub-image, background subtraction, beam centroid and sub-image statistics calculation, among others.  
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