Author: Ostermann, A.
Paper Title Page
MOPMU020 The Control and Data Acquisition System of the Neutron Instrument BIODIFF 477
  • H. Kleines, M. Drochner, L. Fleischhauer-Fuss, T. E. Schrader, F. Suxdorf, M. Wagener, S. van Waasen
    FZJ, Jülich, Germany
  • A. Ostermann
    TUM/Physik, Garching bei München, Germany
  The Neutron instrument BIODIFF is a single crystal diffractometer for biological macromolecules that has been built in a cooperation of Forschungszentrum Jülich and the Technical University of Munich. It is located at the research reactor FRM-II in Garching, Germany, and is in its commissioning phase, now. The control and data acquisition system of BIODIFF is based on the so-called "Jülich-Munich Standard", a set of standards and technologies commonly accepted at the FRM-II, which is based on the TACO control system developed by the ESRF. In future, it is intended to introduce TANGO at the FRM-II. The Image Plate detector system of BIODIFF is already equipped with a TANGO subsystem that was integrated into the overall TACO instrument control system.