Author: Nussbaumer, R.B.
Paper Title Page
MOPMU017 TRIUMF's ARIEL Project 465
  • J.E. Richards, D. Dale, K. Ezawa, D.B. Morris, K. Negishi, R.B. Nussbaumer, S. Rapaz, E. Tikhomolov, G. Waters, M. Leross
    TRIUMF, Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vancouver, Canada
  The Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory (ARIEL) will expand TRIUMF's capabilities in rare-isotope beam physics by doubling the size of the current ISAC facility. Two simultaneous radioactive beams will be available in addition to the present ISAC beam. ARIEL will consist of a 50 MeV, 10 mA CW superconducting electron linear accelerator (E-Linac), an additional proton beam-line from the 520MeV cyclotron, two new target stations, a beam-line connecting to the existing ISAC superconducting linac, and a beam-line to the ISAC low-energy experimental facility. Construction will begin in 2012 with commissioning to start in 2014. The ARIEL Control System will be implemented using EPICS allowing seamless integration with the EPICS based ISAC Control System. The ARIEL control system conceptual design will be discussed.  
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WEPKS004 ISAC EPICS on Linux: The March of the Penguins 778
  • J.E. Richards, R.B. Nussbaumer, S. Rapaz, G. Waters
    TRIUMF, Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vancouver, Canada
  The DC linear accelerators of the ISAC radioactive beam facility at TRIUMF do not impose rigorous timing constraints on the control system. Therefore a real-time operating system is not essential for device control. The ISAC Control System is completing a move to the use of the open source Linux operating system for hosting all EPICS IOCs. The IOC platforms include GE-Fanuc VME based CPUs for control of most optics and diagnostics, rack mounted servers for supervising PLCs, small desktop PCs for GPIB and serial "one-of-a-kind" instruments, as well as embedded ARM processors controlling CAN-bus devices that provide a suitcase sized control system. This article focuses on the experience of creating a customized Linux distribution for front-end IOC deployment. Rationale, a roadmap of the process, and efficiency advantages in personnel training and system management realized by using a single OS will be discussed.