Author: Ninin, P.
Paper Title Page
WEPMU008 Access Safety Systems – New Concepts from the LHC Experience 1066
  • T. Ladzinski, Ch. Delamare, S. Di Luca, T. Hakulinen, L. Hammouti, F. Havart, J.-F. Juget, P. Ninin, R. Nunes, T.R. Riesco, E. Sanchez-Corral Mena, F. Valentini
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The LHC Access Safety System has introduced a number of new concepts into the domain of personnel protection at CERN. These can be grouped into several categories: organisational, architectural and concerning the end-user experience. By anchoring the project on the solid foundations of the IEC 61508/61511 methodology, the CERN team and its contractors managed to design, develop, test and commission on time a SIL3 safety system. The system uses a successful combination of the latest Siemens redundant safety programmable logic controllers with a traditional relay logic hardwired loop. The external envelope barriers used in the LHC include personnel and material access devices, which are interlocked door-booths introducing increased automation of individual access control, thus removing the strain from the operators. These devices ensure the inviolability of the controlled zones by users not holding the required credentials. To this end they are equipped with personnel presence detectors and the access control includes a state of the art biometry check. Building on the LHC experience, new projects targeting the refurbishment of the existing access safety infrastructure in the injector chain have started. This paper summarises the new concepts introduced in the LHC access control and safety systems, discusses the return of experience and outlines the main guiding principles for the renewal stage of the personnel protection systems in the LHC injector chain in a homogeneous manner.  
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WEPMU030 CERN Safety System Monitoring - SSM 1134
  • T. Hakulinen, P. Ninin, F. Valentini
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • J. Gonzalez, C. Salatko-Petryszcze
    ASsystem, St Genis Pouilly, France
  CERN SSM (Safety System Monitoring) is a system for monitoring state-of-health of the various access and safety systems of the CERN site and accelerator infrastructure. The emphasis of SSM is on the needs of maintenance and system operation with the aim of providing an independent and reliable verification path of the basic operational parameters of each system. Included are all network-connected devices, such as PLCs, servers, panel displays, operator posts, etc. The basic monitoring engine of SSM is a freely available system monitoring framework Zabbix, on top of which a simplified traffic-light-type web-interface has been built. The web-interface of SSM is designed to be ultra-light to facilitate access from handheld devices over slow connections. The underlying Zabbix system offers history and notification mechanisms typical advanced monitoring systems.  
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