Author: Mlynarczyk, M.     [Młynarczyk, M.]
Paper Title Page
MOPMU008 Solaris Project Status and Challenges 439
  • P.P. Goryl, C.J. Bocchetta, K. Królas, M. Młynarczyk, R. Nietubyć, M.J. Stankiewicz, P.S. Tracz, Ł. Walczak, A.I. Wawrzyniak
    Solaris, Krakow, Poland
  • K. Larsson, D.P. Spruce
    MAX-lab, Lund, Sweden
  Funding: Work supported by the European Regional Development Fund within the frame of the Innovative Economy Operational Program: POIG.02.01.00-12-213/09
The Pol­ish syn­chrotron ra­di­a­tion fa­cil­i­ty, So­laris, is being built in Krakow. The pro­ject is strong­ly linked to the MAX-IV pro­ject and the 1.5 GeV stor­age ring. A overview will be given of ac­tiv­i­ties and of the con­trol sys­tem and will out­line the sim­i­lar­i­ties and dif­fer­ences be­tween the two ma­chines.
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