Author: Matias, E. D.
Paper Title Page
MOCAUIO04 The SESAME Project 31
  • A. Nadji, S. Abu Ghannam, Z. Qazi, I. Saleh
    SESAME, Amman, Jordan
  • P. Betinelli-Deck, L.S. Nadolski
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • J.-F. Gournay
    CEA/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • M.T. Heron
    Diamond, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
  • H. Hoorani
    NCP, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • B. Kalantari
    PSI, Villigen, Switzerland
  • E. D. Matias, G. Wright
    CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
  SESAME (Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) is a third generation synchrotron light source under construction near Amman (Jordan), which is expected to begin operation in 2015. SESAME will foster scientific and technological excellence in the Middle East and the Mediterranean region, build scientific bridges between neighbouring countries and foster mutual understanding through international cooperation. The members of SESAME are currently Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, the Palestinian Authority and Turkey. An overview about the progress of the facility and the general plan will be given in this talk. Then I will focus on the control system by explaining how this part is managed: the technical choice, the main deadlines, the local staff, the international virtual control team, and the first results.  
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MOPMU013 Phase II and III The Next Generation of CLS Beamline Control and Data Acquisition Systems 454
  • E. D. Matias, D. Beauregard, R. Berg, G. Black, M.J. Boots, W. Dolton, D. Hunter, R. Igarashi, D. Liu, D.G. Maxwell, C.D. Miller, T. Wilson, G. Wright
    CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
  The Canadian Light Source is nearing the completion of its suite of phase II Beamlines and in detailed design of its Phase III Beamlines. The paper presents an overview of the overall approach adopted by CLS in the development of beamline control and data acquisition systems. Building on the experience of our first phase of beamlines the CLS has continued to make extensive use of EPICS with EDM and QT based user interfaces. Increasing interpretive languages such as Python are finding a place in the beamline control systems. Web based environment such as ScienceStudio have also found a prominent place in the control system architecture as we move to tighter integration between data acquisition, visualization and data analysis.  
MOPMU036 Upgrade of the CLS Accelerator Control and Instrumentation Systems 518
  • E. D. Matias, L. Baribeau, S. Hu, C.G. Payne, H. Zhang
    CLS, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
  The Canadian Light Source is undertaking a major upgrade to it's accelerator system in preparation for the eventual migration to top-up and to meet the increasing demanding needs of it's synchrotron user community. These upgrades on the Linac include the development of software for new modulators, RF sections, power supplies and current monitors. On the booster ring the upgrades include the development of new improved BPM instrumentation and improved diagnostics on the extracted beam. For the storage ring these upgrades include fast orbit correct, instrumentation for use by the safety systems and a new transverse feedback system.