Author: Kawata, K.
Paper Title Page
MOPMS032 Re-engineering of the SPring-8 Radiation Monitor Data Acquisition System 401
  • T. Masuda, M. Ishii, K. Kawata, T. Matsushita, C. Saji
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken, Japan
  We have re-engineered the data acquisition system for the SPring-8 radiation monitors. Around the site, 81 radiation monitors are deployed. Seventeen of them are utilized for the radiation safety interlock system for the accelerators. The old data-acquisition system consisted of dedicated NIM-like modules linked with the radiation monitors, eleven embedded computers for data acquisition from the modules and three programmable logic controllers (PLCs) for integrated dose surveillance. The embedded computers periodically collected the radiation data from GPIB interfaces with the modules. The dose-surveillance PLCs read analog outputs in proportion to the radiation rate from the modules. The modules and the dose-surveillance PLCs were also interfaced with the radiation safety interlock system. These components in the old system were dedicated, black-boxed and complicated for the operations. In addition, GPIB interface was legacy and not reliable enough for the important system. We, therefore, decided to replace the old system with a new one based on PLCs and FL-net, which were widely used technologies. We newly deployed twelve PLCs as substitutes for all the old components. Another PLC with two graphic panels is installed near a central control room for centralized operations and watches for the all monitors. All the new PLCs and a VME computer for data acquisition are connected through FL-net. In this paper, we describe the new system and the methodology of the replacement within the short interval between the accelerator operations.  
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