Author: Jainsch, R.
Paper Title Page
WEPKN026 The ELBE Control System – 10 Years of Experience with Commercial Control, SCADA and DAQ Environments 759
  • M. Justus, F. Herbrand, R. Jainsch, N. Kretzschmar, K.-W. Leege, P. Michel, A. Schamlott
    HZDR, Dresden, Germany
  The electron accelerator facility ELBE is the central experimental site of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany. Experiments with Bremsstrahlung started in 2001 and since that, through a series of expansions and modifications, ELBE has evolved to a 24/7 user facility running a total of seven secondary sources including two IR FELs. As its control system, ELBE uses WinCC on top of a networked PLC architecture. For data acquisition with high temporal resolution, PXI and PC based systems are in use, applying National Instruments hardware and LabVIEW application software. Machine protection systems are based on in-house built digital and analogue hardware. An overview of the system is given, along with an experience report on maintenance, reliability and efforts to keep track with ongoing IT, OS and security developments. Limits of application and new demands imposed by the forthcoming facility upgrade as a centre for high intensity beams (in conjunction with TW/PW femtosecond lasers) are discussed.  
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