Author: Hong, S.S.
Paper Title Page
Development of Automatic RF Low-Level Control System for KIRAMS-30 Cyclotron  
  • Y.S. Park, S.S. Hong, I.S. Jung, K.U. Kang
    KIRAMS, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  Funding: Ministry of Educational Science and Technology(MEST)
We have developed and installed KIRAMS-30 cyclotron at KAERI-ARTI(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute / Advanced Radiation Technology Institute) of Jeongeup city area. KIRAMS-30 is able to accelerate proton particles up to 30MeV, which will be primarily used for high current beam extraction. We have been now commissioning and testing it to arrange and meet the required beam conditions after moving it to the main cyclotron building from temporary one. In this work, we developed an automatic RF low-level control system for KIRAMS-30 cyclotron. RF low-level signal is constantly controlled during beam extraction by adjusting the motorized fine tuner automatically considering the feedback grid voltage signal of RF power amplifier. At this system, even if RF signal is lost due to the unstable RF power amplifier status, it can be recovered automatically. Meanwhile, automatic RF low-level control part has been realized as an application of software program using LabVIEW graphical language.
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