Author: Girardot, R.
Paper Title Page
WEMAU012 COMETE: A Multi Data Source Oriented Graphical Framework 680
  • G. Viguier, Y. Huriez, M. Ounsy, K.S. Saintin
    SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • R. Girardot
    EXTIA, Boulogne Billancourt, France
  Modern beamlines at SOLEIL need to browse a large amount of scientific data through multiple sources that can be scientific measurement data files, databases or Tango [1] control systems. We created the COMETE [2] framework because we thought it was necessary for the end users to use the same collection of widgets for all the different data sources to be accessed. On the other side, for GUI application developers, the complexity of data source handling had to be hidden. These 2 requirements being now fulfilled, our development team is able to build high quality, modular and reusable scientific oriented GUI software, with consistent look and feel for end users. COMETE offers some key features to our developers: Smart refreshing service , easy-to-use and succinct API, Data Reduction functionality. This paper will present the work organization, the modern software architecture and design of the whole system. Then, the migration from our old GUI framework to COMETE will be detailed. The paper will conclude with an application example and a summary of the incoming features available in the framework.
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