Author: Fujimaki, M.
Paper Title Page
WEPMU038 Network Security System and Method for RIBF Control System 1161
  • A. Uchiyama
    SHI Accelerator Service Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
  • M. Fujimaki, N. Fukunishi, M. Komiyama, R. Koyama
    RIKEN Nishina Center, Wako, Japan
  In RIKEN RI beam factory (RIBF), the local area network for accelerator control system (control system network) consists of commercially produced Ethernet switches, optical fibers and metal cables. On the other hand, E-mail and Internet access for unrelated task to accelerator operation are usually used in RIKEN virtual LAN (VLAN) as office network. From the viewpoint of information security, we decided to separate the control system network from the Internet and operate it independently from VLAN. However, it was inconvenient for users for the following reason; it was unable to monitor the information and status of accelerator operation from the user's office in a real time fashion. To improve this situation, we have constructed a secure system which allows the users to get the accelerator information from VLAN to control system network, while preventing outsiders from having access to the information. To allow access to inside control system network over the network from VLAN, we constructed reverse proxy server and firewall. In addition, we implement a system to send E-mail as security alert from control system network to VLAN. In our contribution, we report this system and the present status in detail.  
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