Author: Amselem, A.
Paper Title Page
TUCAUST06 Event-Synchronized Data Acquisition System of 5 Giga-bps Data Rate for User Experiment at the XFEL Facility, SACLA 581
  • M. Yamaga, A. Amselem, T. Hirono, Y. Joti, A. Kiyomichi, T. Ohata, T. Sugimoto, R. Tanaka
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken, Japan
  • T. Hatsui
    RIKEN/SPring-8, Hyogo, Japan
  A data ac­qui­si­tion (DAQ), con­trol, and stor­age sys­tem has been de­vel­oped for user ex­per­i­ments at the XFEL fa­cil­i­ty, SACLA, in the SPring-8 site. The an­tic­i­pat­ed ex­per­i­ments de­mand shot-by-shot DAQ in syn­chro­niza­tion with the beam op­er­a­tion cycle in order to cor­re­late the beam char­ac­ter­is­tics, and record­ed data such as X-ray diffrac­tion pat­tern. The ex­per­i­ments pro­duce wave­form or image data, of which the data size ranges from 8 up to 48 M byte for each x-ray pulse at 60 Hz. To meet these re­quire­ments, we have con­struct­ed a DAQ sys­tem that is op­er­at­ed in syn­chro­niza­tion with the 60Hz of beam op­er­a­tion cycle. The sys­tem is de­signed to han­dle up to 5 Gbps data rate after com­pres­sion, and con­sists of the trig­ger dis­trib­u­tor/coun­ters, the da­ta-fill­ing com­put­ers, the par­al­lel-writ­ing high-speed data stor­age, and the re­la­tion­al database. The data rate is re­duced by on-the-fly data com­pres­sion through front-end em­bed­ded sys­tems. The self-de­scribed data struc­ture en­ables to han­dle any type of data. The pipeline da­ta-buffer at each com­put­er node en­sures in­tegri­ty of the data trans­fer with the non-re­al-time op­er­at­ing sys­tems, and re­duces the de­vel­op­ment cost. All the data are trans­mit­ted via TCP/IP pro­to­col over GbE and 10GbE Eth­er­net. To mon­i­tor the ex­per­i­men­tal sta­tus, the sys­tem in­cor­po­rates with on-line vi­su­al­iza­tion of wave­form/im­ages as well as prompt data min­ing by 10 PFlops scale su­per­com­put­er to check the data health. Par­tial sys­tem for the light source com­mis­sion­ing was re­leased in March 2011. Full sys­tem will be re­leased to pub­lic users in March 2012.  
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WEPMN028 Development of Image Data Acquisition System for 2D Detector at SACLA (SPring-8 XFEL) 947
  • A. Kiyomichi, A. Amselem, T. Hirono, T. Ohata, R. Tanaka, M. Yamaga
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken, Japan
  • T. Hatsui
    RIKEN/SPring-8, Hyogo, Japan
  The x-ray free elec­tron laser fa­cil­i­ty SACLA (SPring-8 Angstrom Com­pact free elec­tron LAser) was con­struct­ed and start­ed beam com­mis­sion­ing from March 2011. For the re­quire­ments of pro­posed ex­per­i­ments at SACLA, x-ray mul­ti-read­out ports CCD de­tec­tors (MPCCD) have been de­vel­oped to re­al­ize a sys­tem with the total amount of 4 Mega-pix­els area and 16bit wide dy­nam­ic range at a frame rate of 60Hz shot rate. We have de­vel­oped the image da­ta-han­dling scheme using the event-syn­chro­nized da­ta-ac­qui­si­tion sys­tem. The front-end sys­tem used the Cam­er­aLink in­ter­face that ex­cels in abil­i­ties of re­al-time trig­ger­ing and high-speed data trans­fer. For the total data rate up to 4Gbps, the image data are col­lect­ed by di­vid­ing the CCD de­tec­tor into eight seg­ments, which han­dles 0.5M pix­els each, and then sent to high-speed data stor­age in par­al­lel. We pre­pared two types of Cam­er­alink imag­ing sys­tem for the VME and PC base. The Image Dis­tri­bu­tion board is made up of log­ic-re­con­fig­urable VME board with Cam­er­aLink mez­za­nine card. The front-end sys­tem of MPCCD de­tec­tor con­sists of eight sets of Image Dis­tri­bu­tion boards. We plan to in­tro­duce the on­line loss­less com­pres­sion using FPGA with arith­metic cod­ing al­go­rithm. For wide adapt­abil­i­ty of user re­quire­ments, we also pre­pared the PC based imag­ing sys­tem, which con­sists of Linux serv­er and com­mer­cial Cam­er­aLink PCI in­ter­face. It does not con­tain com­pres­sion func­tion, but sup­ports var­i­ous type of CCD cam­era, for ex­am­ple, high-def­i­ni­tion (1920x1080) sin­gle CCD cam­era.  
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