Author: Ribes, J.-B.
Paper Title Page
S08NC05 The Transmission of Accelerator Timing Information around CERN 306
  • C.G. Beetham, K. Kohler, C.R.C.B. Parker, J.-B. Ribes
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  Prior to the construction of the Large Electron Positron (LEP) collider, machine timing information was transmitted around CERN’s accelerators using a labyrinth of dedicated copper wires. However, at an early stage in the design of the LEP control system, it was decided to use an integrated communication system based on Time Division Multiplex (TDM) techniques. Therefore it was considered appropriate to use this facility to transmit timing information over long distances. This note describes the overall system, with emphasis placed on the connectivity requirements for the CCITTG.703 series of recommendations. In addition the methods used for error detection and correction, and also for redundancy, are described. The cost implications of using such a TDM based system are also analyzed. Finally the performance and reliability obtained by using this approach are discussed.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS1991-S08NC05  
About • Received ※ 11 November 1991 — Accepted ※ 20 November 1991 — Issued ※ 04 December 1992  
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