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Title Automated Control System Structure of the USSR Academy of Sciences Kaon Facility
  • Yu.S. Ivanov, L.L. Filipchicov, V.A. Konovalov, B.P. Murinpresenter
    MRI, Moscow, Russia
  • S.K. Esin, Y. Senichev
    RAS/INR, Moscow, Russia
Abstract Up to date at Nuclear Research Institute of the USSR AS (Moscow-Troitsk) it is finished building of Moscow Meson Facility high intensity current proton Linear Accelerator (LA) (beam parameters: energy - 600 MeV, average current - 0.5 mA, pulse current - 50 mA). The LA is proposed to serve as Kaon Facility (KF) which is under working out. There are presented brief description of the KF system.
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Conference ICALEPCS1991
Series International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (3rd)
Location Tsukuba, Japan
Date 11-15 November 1991
Publisher JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland
Editorial Board Cheol-on Pak (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan); Shin-ichi Kurokawa (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan); Tadahiko Katoh (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan); Kazuro Furukawa (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan); Volker RW Schaa (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
Online ISBN 978-3-95450-254-7
Online ISSN 2226-0358
Received 11 November 1991
Accepted 20 November 1991
Issued 04 December 1992
DOI doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS1991-S10TS03
Pages 352-355
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