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Title The UNK Control System
  • V. Alferov, V.L. Brook, A.F. Dunaitsev, S.G. Goloborodko, S.V. Izgarshev, V.V. Komarov, A. Lukyantsev, M.S. Mikheev, N.N. Trofimov, V.P. Sakharov, E.D. Scherbakov, A.I. Vaguine, V.P. Voevodin, V.D. Yourpalov, S.A. Zelepoukin
    IHEP, Moscow Region, Russia
  • B. Kuiper
    CERN, Meyrin, Switzerland
Abstract The IHEP proton Accelerating and Storage Complex (UNK) includes in its first stage a 400 GeV conventional and a 3000 GeV superconducting ring placed in the same underground tunnel of 20.7 km circumference. The beam will be injected into UNK from the existing 70 GeV accelerator U-70. The experimental programme which is planned to start in 1995, will include 3000 GeV fixed target and 400-3000 GeV colliding beams physics. The size and complexity of the UNK dictate a distributed multiprocessor architecture of the control system. About 4000 of 8/16 bit controllers, directly attached to the UNK equipment will perform low level control and data acquisition tasks. The equipment controllers will be connected via the MIL-1553 field bus to VME based 32-bit front end computers. The TCP/IP network will interconnect front end computers in the UNK equipment buildings with UNIX workstations and servers in the Main Control Room. The report presents the general architecture and current status of the UNK control.
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Conference ICALEPCS1991
Series International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (3rd)
Location Tsukuba, Japan
Date 11-15 November 1991
Publisher JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland
Editorial Board Cheol-on Pak (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan); Shin-ichi Kurokawa (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan); Tadahiko Katoh (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan); Kazuro Furukawa (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan); Volker RW Schaa (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
Online ISBN 978-3-95450-254-7
Online ISSN 2226-0358
Received 11 November 1991
Accepted 20 November 1991
Issued 04 December 1992
DOI doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS1991-S03SRD08
Pages 134-139
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