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Journals of Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW)

JACoW is a publisher in Geneva, Switzerland that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world by an international collaboration of editors.

LaTeX citation export for WEP001: Non-invasive Profilers for the Cold Part of ESS Accelerator

   J. Marroncle, P. Abbon, F. Belloni, B. Bolzon, F. Bénédetti, N. Chauvin, \emph{et al.},
%   J. Marroncle, P. Abbon, F. Belloni, B. Bolzon, F. Bénédetti, N. Chauvin, D. Chirpaz-Cerbat, M. Combet, M.J. Desmons, I. Dolenc Kittelmann, Y. Gauthier, A.A. Gevorgyan, T. Hamelin, H. Kocevar, C. Lahonde-Hamdoun, Ph. Legou, O. Leseigneur, Y. Mariette, J.-Ph. Mols, V. Nadot, M. Oublaid, G. Perreu, F. Popieul, B. Pottin, Y. Sauce, J. Schwindling, L. Scola, F. Senée, R. Tarkeshian, C.A. Thomas, O. Tuske, and S. Tzvetkov,
%   J. Marroncle \emph{et al.},
   “Non-invasive Profilers for the Cold Part of ESS Accelerator”,
% --- complete abbrev. form (published paper) - JACoW template Nov 2022 ---
   in \emph{Proc. 12th Int. Beam Instrum. Conf. (IBIC'23)}, Saskatoon, Canada, Sep. 2023, pp.~326--330.
% --- abbreviated form (published paper) - JACoW template Nov 2022 ---
%  in \emph{Proc. IBIC'23}, Saskatoon, Canada, Sep. 2023, pp.~326--330.
% --- additional material -ISSN/ISBN--
%  ISBN: 978-3-95450-236-3, ISSN: 2673-5350