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Title Beam Loss Studies in the CSNS Linac
  • J. Peng, X.Y. Feng, Y. Han, H.C. Liu, X.B. Luo
    IHEP CSNS, Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China
  • S. Fu, M.Y. Huangpresenter, Y. Li, Z.P. Li, X. Liu, S. Wang, Y. Yuan
    IHEP, Beijing, People’s Republic of China
  • S.Y. Xu
    DNSC, Dongguan, People’s Republic of China
Abstract The China Spallation Neutron Source¿CSNS¿accelerator comprises an 80MeV linac and a 1.6GeV rapid cycling synchrotron. It started operation in 2018, and the beam power delivered to the target has increased from 20kW to 140kW, step by step. Various beam loss studies have been performed through the accelerator to improve the beam power and availability. For the CSNS linac, the primary source of the beam loss is the halo generated by beam mismatches. In the upgrade plan of the CSNS, the beam current will increase five times, which requires more strict beam loss control. Much work is done during the design phase to keep the loss down to 1W/m of loss limit. This paper will report results obtained from beam experiments and optimization methods applied to the CSNS linac upgrade design.
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Conference HB2023
Series ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams (68th)
Location Geneva, Switzerland
Date 09-13 October 2023
Publisher JACoW Publishing, Geneva, Switzerland
Editorial Board Volker R.W. Schaa (GSI, Darmstadt, Germany); Jan Chrin (PSI, Villigen, Switzerland); Massimo Giovannozzi (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland); Dong Eon Kim (PAL, Pohang, South Korea); Marten H. Koopmans (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland); Anton Lechner (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland); Philippe Schoofs (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
Online ISBN 978-3-95450-253-0
Online ISSN 2673-5571
Received 01 October 2023
Revised 06 October 2023
Accepted 09 October 2023
Issued 13 October 2023
DOI doi:10.18429/JACoW-HB2023-WEA4C1
Pages 297-299
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