Author: Severino, F.
Paper Title Page
TUA2WD03 Automated Operation of EBIS Injector at BNL 153
  • T. Kanesue, E.N. Beebe, S. Binello, B.D. Coe, M.R. Costanzo, L. DeSanto, S. Ikeda, J.P. Jamilkowski, N.A. Kling, D. Lehn, C.J. Liaw, V. Lo Destro, D.R. McCafferty, J. Morris, M. Okamura, R.H. Olsen, D. Raparia, R. Schoepfer, F. Severino, L. Smart, K. Zeno
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York, USA
  The RHIC-EBIS pre-injector is a heavy ion pre-injector to deliver multiple heavy ion species at 2 MeV/u to the AGS-Booster at the RHIC accelerator complex. In addition to collider experiments at RHIC, multiple heavy ion species are used for the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory (NSRL) to evaluate the risk of radiation in space in radiobiology, physics, and engineering. A GCR simulator is one of the operation modes of NSRL to simulate a galactic cosmic ray event, which requires switching multiple ion species within a short period of time. The RHIC-EBIS pre-injector delivers various heavy ion species independently for simultaneous operation of RHIC and NSRL. We developed an automated scheme of the rapid species change and it is routinely used by NSRL or Main Control Room for daily operation without assistance of RHIC-EBIS experts. The number of species change exceeds one hundred. This paper describes the automated operation of the RHIC-EBIS pre-injector and the operational performance.
This work has been supported by Brookhaven Science Associates, LLC under Contract No. DE-SC0012704 with the U.S. Department of Energy, and by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
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