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Vostrikov, A.

Paper Title Page
TUO1B04 Overview of Beam Optics in Project-X Superconducting SC CW Linac 314
  • J.-F. Ostiguy, J.-P. Carneiro, N. Solyak, A. Vostrikov
    Fermilab, Batavia

Project-X is a proposed multi-MW proton facility at Fermilab. Based on a new superconducting H- linear accelerator, it would provide the foundation for a flexible long term intensity frontier physics research program. Two machine configurations have been developed. The first one involves a single 8 GeV, pulsed linac (9 mA peak, 1 ms @ 5 Hz pulses) followed by accumulation and acceleration to 60-120 GeV in the existing Main Injector synchrotron. The second -and currently favoured one- replaces the single pulsed linac by a 3 GeV (10 mA peak, 1 mA average @ 325 MHz), continuous wave linac followed, up to 8 GeV, by either a rapid cycling synchrotron or a second (pulsed) linac. We present here an overview of beam optics for the 3 GeV CW linac. Constraints related to cryostat configuration, field limits in cavities, particle loss mechanisms, and the need for warm instrumentation sections are discussed. Alignment, field amplitude and phase tolerances are also addressed.


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