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Shutov, A.

Paper Title Page
THO2C02 Shock Impact of High Energy/Intensity Beams with Matter and High Energy Density Physics 659
  • N.A. Tahir
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • J. Blanco, R. Schmidt
    CERN, Geneva
  • R. Piriz
    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real
  • A. Shutov
    IPCP, Chernogolovka, Moscow region

Cylindrical targets made of solid Cu and solid C that are facially irradiated with the LHC beam, have been considered. First, the energy loss of the protons as well as the production and the transport of the secondary particles is calculated using the FLUKA code. This data is then used as input to a 2D hydrodynamic computer code, BIG2, to simulate the thermodynamic and the hydrodynamic response of the target. Our simulations show that the 7 TeV/c LHC protons penetrate up to 35 m in solid Cu and 10 m in solid C during the 89 μs beam duration and the targets are severely damaged in both cases. It is interesting to note that a substantial part of the targets is converted into High Energy Density (HED) state which suggests an additional application of the LHC. To study the effects of accidents involving the SPS beam, we have also simulated the interaction of the full impact of the SPS beam with solid Cu and solid W targets. These simulations have shown that the targets are severely damaged and the beam heated region, in this case, is also converted into HED matter. These simulations could also be very useful to design the experiments for the future HiRadMat facility at CERN.


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