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Ratzinger, U.

Paper Title Page
MOPD16 Simulation of the Long Term Beam Intensity Performance of the NEG-coated SIS18 91
  • P. Puppel, P.J. Spiller
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • U. Ratzinger
    IAP, Frankfurt am Main

The StrahlSim code was developed to simulate dynamic vacuum effects and charge exchange beam loss in heavy ion accelerators. The code accounts for the charge exchange cross sections at the actual beam energy, the loss positions of charge exchanged ions, and the pressure rise caused by desorption due to the impact of these ions onto the vacuum chamber. Recent progress was made by implementing time dependent longitudinal pressure profiles in StrahlSim. This allows to simulate localized pressure bumps during a cycle and therefore to estimate the lifetime of NEG-coated surfaces depending on their positions in the ring, and the corresponding influence on the beam performance over the saturation process. The new code was applied to SIS18 considering two scenarios. One calculation has been carried out for the currently available U28+ intensities of 2·1010 extracted particles per cycle, and the other calculation for the proposed FAIR booster operation with 1.5·1011 extracted particles per cycle. Results for both scenarios will be presented in this work.

MOPD26 The FAIR Proton Linac: The First Linac based on Normal Conducting CH-DTL 115
  • G. Clemente, W.A. Barth, L. Groening, S.G. Yaramyshev
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • R. M. Brodhage, U. Ratzinger, R. Tiede
    IAP, Frankfurt am Main

The antiproton program at FAIR requires a dedicated proton linac to be used as injector for the SIS 100 synchroton. This 325 MHz linac will accelerate up to 70 mA proton beam to the injection energy of 70 MeV. This linac will be the first machine based on CH-DTL's, the novel cavity developt by Frankfurt University and GSI. This new cavity is characterized by the lack of internal focusing elements which allows the construction of very compact cavities resulting in a higher shunt impedance when compared to conventional RF structure. The proton linac is based on 6 coupled CH-DTL followed by three standard CH's for a total length of around 25 meters. A complete description of the beam dynamics together with the general status of the project is presented and discussed,

MOPD65 Activation of Aluminium by Uranium 250
  • V. Chetvertkova, E. Mustafin
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • V. Chetvertkova, U. Ratzinger, I. Strašík
    IAP, Frankfurt am Main
  • L.N. Latysheva, N. Sobolevskiy
    RAS/INR, Moscow

The research into the activation of materials used for accelerator components is held in GSI as a part of studies of FAIR relevant materials. In the frame of these studies the project "Verification of Monte Carlo transport codes: FLUKA, MARS and SHIELD" was started. Series of irradiations were already done. This work presents the results of irradiation of aluminum target with uranium beam. Experimentally achieved depth profiles of residual activity and stopping range of primary ions are compared with Monte Carlo simulations. Correspondences and discrepancies of different codes with experiment are discussed.

THO1A04 Advanced Beam Dynamics Simulations with the DYNAMION Code for the Upgrade and Optimization of the GSI-UNILAC 556
  • S.G. Yaramyshev, W.A. Barth, G. Clemente, L.A. Dahl, L. Groening, S. Mickat, A. Orzhekhovskaya, H. Vormann
    GSI, Darmstadt
  • A. Kolomiets, S. Minaev
    ITEP, Moscow
  • U. Ratzinger, R. Tiede
    IAP, Frankfurt am Main

With the advanced multi-particle code DYNAMION it is possible to calculate beam dynamics in linear accelerators and transport lines under space charge conditions with high accuracy. Special features as data from the real topology of RFQ electrodes, drift tubes, quadrupole lenses, misalignment and fabrication errors and consideration of field measurements lead to reliable results of the beam dynamics simulations. Recently the DYNAMION code is applied to the upgrade and optimization of the UNILAC as an injector for the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research at Darmstadt (FAIR). An operation of the FAIR requres for the increase of the beam- intensity and -brilliance coming from the UNILAC (up to factor 5). End-to-end simulations for the whole linac (from ion source output to the synchrotron entrance) allow for the study and optimization of the overall machine performance as well as for calculation of the expected impact of different upgrade measures, proposed to improve beam brilliance. The results of the beam dynamics simulations by means of the DYNAMION code are compared with the recent measurements, obtained after upgrade of the High Current Injector (GSI-UNILAC-HSI) in 2009.


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