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Jackson, S.

Paper Title Page
WEO1C01 Commissioning and Optimization of the LHC BLM System 487
  • E.B. Holzer, B. Dehning, E. Effinger, J. Emery, C.F. Hajdu, S. Jackson, C. Kurfuerst, A. Marsili, M. Misiowiec, E. Nebot Del Busto, A. Nordt, C. Roderick, M. Sapinski, C. Zamantzas
    CERN, Geneva
  • V. Grishin
    IHEP Protvino, Protvino, Moscow Region

Due to rapid progress with the LHC commissioning in 2010 set-up beam intensities were soon surpassed and damage potential reached. One of the key systems for machine protection is the beam loss monitoring (BLM) system. Around 4000 monitors are installed at likely or critical loss locations. Each monitor has 384 associated beam abort thresholds (12 integrated loss durations from 40 us to 83 s for 32 energy intervals). A single integrated loss over threshold on a single monitor aborts the beam. Simulations of deposited energy, critical energy deposition for damage or quench and BLM signal response backed-up by control measurements determined the initial threshold settings. The commissioning and optimization of the BLM system is presented. Test procedures were used to verify the machine protection functionalities and optimize the system parameters. Dedicated beam tests and accidental magnet quenches were used to fine-tune threshold settings. The most significant changes to the BLM system during the 2010 run concerned the injection, the collimation and the beam dump region, where hardware changes and threshold increases became necessary to accommodate for increasing beam intensity.


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