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Gorlov, T.V.

Paper Title Page
MOPD43 Project X H- Injection Design History and Challenges 162
  • D.E. Johnson, A.I. Drozhdin, I.L. Rakhno, L.G. Vorobiev
    Fermilab, Batavia
  • T.V. Gorlov
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
  • D. Raparia
    BNL, Upton, Long Island, New York

One of the initial motivations for replacing the aging Fermilab Proton Source was to support the 120 GeV Neutrino program at the 2 MW level while supporting a broad 8 GeV Physics program. Over the years the design parameters of the new Proton Source have evolved from the 2005 Proton Driver configuration of a 2MW 8 GeV pulsed H- linac injecting directly into the Main Injector or Recycler ; to a 2MW 2 GeV CW linac supporting a 2 GeV Experimental Program while injecting into a new 2-8 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron which would then supply protons to the Main Injector. The current design parameters of the project include a 3 GeV CW linac accelerating up to 1 mA (average) H- and a 3 GeV Experimental Area with the connection to the Main Injector Complex as an upgrade. Whether the upgrade path includes a new 6(or 8)GeV CW or pulsed linac, or 3 to 8 GeV RCS and the ultimate linac current remains to be determined. The basic issues of injection insertion design, foil and laser stripping options, foil survivability and loss issues will be discussed in context of the present options. Both analytical estimates and simulation results will be discussed.