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Balhan, B.

Paper Title Page
TUO2B02 Injection Painting and Associated HW for 160 MeV PSB H-. 329
  • C. Bracco, B. Balhan, J. Borburgh, C. Carli, E. Carlier, R. Chamizo, M. Chanel, T. Fowler, B. Goddard, M. Hourican, A.M. Lombardi, B. Mikulec, A. Newborough, D. Nisbet, R. Noulibos, U. Raich, F. Roncarolo, M. Scholz, L. Sermeus, W.J.M. Weterings
    CERN, Geneva

Linac4 will replace the currently used Linac2 in the LHC injector chain. The motivation is to increase the proton flux available for the CERN accelerator complex and eventually achieve the LHC ultimate luminosity goals. Linac4 will inject 160MeV H- ions into the four existing rings of the PS Booster (PSB). A new charge-exchange multi turn injection scheme will be put into operation and require a substantial upgrade of the injection regions. Four kicker magnets (KSW) will be used to accomplish transverse phase space painting in order to match the injected beams to the required emittances. This paper presents hardware issues and related beam dynamics studies for several painting schemes. Results of optimization studies of the injection process for different beam characteristics and scenarios are discussed.


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TUO2B05 Feasibility of 2 GeV Injection into the CERN PS 343
  • W. Bartmann, S. Aumon, B. Balhan, J. Borburgh, S.S. Gilardoni, B. Goddard, M. Hourican, L. Sermeus, R.R. Steerenberg
    CERN, Geneva

The increase of the extraction energy of the CERN PSB to 2 GeV has been suggested as a method to increase the intensity of the LHC beam which can be obtained from the present injector complex. Such a change would require a redesign of the present PS proton injection system, which is already operating close to its limits within tight space constraints. The feasibility of a 2 GeV proton injection is discussed and a potential solution outlined. The implications on the injection equipment and on the performance in terms of beam parameters and losses are discussed.


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