Proc. 67th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop
on Future Light Sources (FLS'23)
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The 67th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Future Light Sources (FLS 2023) took place in Lucerne, Switzerland, from August 27 to September 1, 2023. The inception of this workshop proved particularly difficult. The Covid19 crisis forced us to cancel the event on two occasions, first from the originally planned date of March’21, and second from the rescheduled date of March’22. In both cases the IOC and LOC, driven by the realization that the inherently lively discussions were a core element of the FLS series, were adamant that a postponement was preferable to a deferred online format.

When, finally, FLS’23 did occur, it was met with great enthusiasm: over 200 participants enjoyed an exciting potpourri of excellent presentations, posters, discussions and valuable exchanges with eleven industrial exhibitors. It was gratifyingly evident that advances in light sources had not ceased during the Covid crisis, and that the FLS workshop provided a much welcome and long-awaited opportunity to present this progress to our community.

As is the tradition of the FLS series, the working-group conveners were granted the task of drafting the scientific program. This consisted of 16 invited talks, 64 contributed talks, 4 working group summary talks and 62 posters, a few of which were also presented in 4 hybrid sessions. All presentations generated much discussion that would often propagate enthusiastically into the coffee breaks. The unseasonably wet weather unwittingly helped keep participants in check and focused on the workshop topics. Thankfully, as if on cue, the rain stopped in time for the workshop dinner aboard a boat cruising the captivating lake of Lucerne, surrounded by a panorama of mountains. With 65 contributions documented in this proceeding, we have a sound record of the work presented at the workshop, and a lasting point of reference.

We thank all participants, and in particular the working group conveners and LOC members for contributing to the success of this workshop. A special thanks to the JACoW editorial team for diligently processing the manuscripts and ensuring the timely release of these proceedings. Last, but not least, we are pleased to announce, on behalf of the IOC, that the next FLS event will take place in Chicago in fall 2027 and is to be chaired by John Byrd of ANL.

Hans-Heinrich Braun
FLS’23 Workshop chair
  Romain Ganter
FLS’23 LOC chair

group picture  

FLS'23 was hosted by the Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland, and
held at the Swiss Museum of Transport, Lucerne, from 27 Aug.-1 Sep. 2023.  
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