The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) is an international collaboration that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world.
TY - UNPB AU - Kim, K.-J. AU - Bane, K.L.F. AU - Blank, V.D. AU - Ding, Y. AU - Emma, P. AU - Fawley, W.M. AU - Grizolli, C. AU - Hastings, J.B. AU - Huang, Z. AU - Kearney, S.P. AU - Kolodziej, T. AU - Krzywinski, J. AU - Lindberg, R.R. AU - Marcus, G. AU - Maxwell, T.J. AU - Qin, W. AU - Shi, X. AU - Shu, D. AU - Shvyd'ko, Yu. AU - Stoupin, S. AU - Terentiev, S. AU - Zemella, J. ED - Bishofberger, Kip:Carlsten, Bruce (LANL, Los Alamos, NM, USA)[ORCID:0000-0001-5619-907X] ED - Schaa, Volker RW TI - High-Flux, Fully Coherent X-Ray FEL Oscillator J2 - Proc. of FEL2017, Santa Fe, NM, USA, August 20-25, 2017 C1 - Santa Fe, NM, USA T2 - International Free Electron Laser Conference T3 - 38 LA - english AB - By optimizing the parameters of the accelerator, undulator, and the optical cavity, an XFELO driven by an 8-GeV superconducting linac is predicted to produce 10^{z}EhNZeHn photons per pulse at the important photon energies around 14.4 keV.* This is an order of magnitude larger than that in previous designs.** With a BW of 3 meV (FWHM), rep rate of 1 MHz, and taking into account the full coherence, the spectral brightness is then 2×10²⁶ photons per (mm2mr2 0.1\% BW), which is higher than any other source currently operating or anticipated in the future. Experiments at APS beam lines have shown that a high-quality diamond crystal can survive the power density (~15 kW/mm2) expected at the XFELO intra-cavity crystals preserving the high reflectivity.*** The compound refractive lenses can serve as the focusing element. Adding an XFELO to the suite of other FEL sources will, at a minor incremental cost but with a major scientific payoff, significantly expand the scientific capabilities at superconducting linac-based XFEL facilities, such as the European XFEL, the proposed LCLS-II High Energy upgrade and the XFEL project in Shanghai. PB - JACoW CP - Geneva, Switzerland ER -