The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) is an international collaboration that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world.
TY - CONF AU - Schreiber, S. AU - Schneidmiller, E. AU - Yurkov, M.V. ED - Bishofberger, Kip:Carlsten, Bruce (LANL, Los Alamos, NM, USA)[ORCID:0000-0001-5619-907X] ED - Schaa, Volker RW TI - Recent FEL Experiments at FLASH J2 - Proc. of FEL2017, Santa Fe, NM, USA, August 20-25, 2017 C1 - Santa Fe, NM, USA T2 - International Free Electron Laser Conference T3 - 38 LA - english AB - The FLASH free-electron laser user facility at DESY (Hamburg, Germany) provides high brilliance SASE FEL radiation in the XUV and soft X-ray wavelength range. With the recent installation of a second undulator beamline (FLASH2), variable-gap undulators are now available. They now allow various experiments not possible with the FLASH1 fixed gap undulators. We report on experiments on tapering, harmonic lasing, reverse tapering, frequency doubling at FLASH2 and experiments using double pulses for specific SASE and THz experiments at FLASH1. PB - JACoW CP - Geneva, Switzerland SP - 210 EP - 215 KW - ion KW - undulator KW - FEL KW - laser KW - electron DA - 2018/02 PY - 2018 SN - 978-3-95450-179-3 DO - 10.18429/JACoW-FEL2017-TUA01 UR - ER -