The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) is an international collaboration that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world.
TY - CONF AU - Ganter, R. AU - Bettoni, S. AU - Braun, H.-H. AU - Calvi, M. AU - Craievich, P. AU - Follath, R. AU - Gough, C.H. AU - Löhl, F. AU - Paraliev, M. AU - Patthey, L. AU - Pedrozzi, M. AU - Prat, E. AU - Reiche, S. AU - Schmidt, T. AU - Zandonella, A.Z. ED - Bishofberger, Kip:Carlsten, Bruce (LANL, Los Alamos, NM, USA)[ORCID:0000-0001-5619-907X] ED - Schaa, Volker RW TI - Overview of the Soft X-Ray Line Athos at SwissFEL J2 - Proc. of FEL2017, Santa Fe, NM, USA, August 20-25, 2017 C1 - Santa Fe, NM, USA T2 - International Free Electron Laser Conference T3 - 38 LA - english AB - The Athos line will cover the photon energy range from 250 to 1900 eV and will operate parallel to the hard x-ray line Aramis of SwissFEL. Athos consists of fast kicker magnets, a dog-leg transfer line, a small linac and 16 APPLE undulators. The Athos undulators follow a new design: the so-called APPLE X design where the 4 magnet arrays can be moved radially in a symmetric way. Besides mechanical advantages of such a symmetric distribution of forces, this design allows for easy photon energy scans at a constant polarization or for the generation of transverse magnetic gradients. Another particularity of the Athos FEL line is the inclusion of a short magnetic chicane between every undulator segment. These chicanes will allow the FEL to operate in optical klystron mode, high-brightness SASE mode, or superradiance mode. A larger delay chicane will split the Athos line into two sections such that two colors can be produced with adjustable delay. Finally a post undulator transverse deflecting cavity will be the key tool for the commissioning of the FEL modes. The paper will present the current status of this four years project started in 2017. PB - JACoW CP - Geneva, Switzerland SP - 125 EP - 128 KW - ion KW - undulator KW - FEL KW - photon KW - electron DA - 2018/02 PY - 2018 SN - 978-3-95450-179-3 DO - 10.18429/JACoW-FEL2017-MOP038 UR - ER -