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Joint Accelerator Conferences Website

The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website (JACoW) is an international collaboration that publishes the proceedings of accelerator conferences held around the world.

LaTeX citation export for TUAO05: First Plasma of the PHOENIX V3 ECR Ion Source

   T. Thuillier, J. Angot, L. Bonny, J.L. Flambard, J. Jacob, T. Kalvas, \emph{et al.},
%   T. Thuillier, J. Angot, L. Bonny, J.L. Flambard, J. Jacob, T. Kalvas, T. Lamy, L. Maunoury, C. Peaucelle, and P. Sole,
%   T. Thuillier \emph{et al.},
   \textquotedblleft{First Plasma of the PHOENIX V3 ECR Ion Source}\textquotedblright,
%  in \emph{Proc. ECRIS2016}, pp. 48--49,
%  in \emph{Proc. ECRIS2016}, Busan, Korea, Aug. -, paper TUAO05, pp. 48--49,
   in \emph{Proc. 22nd Int. Workshop on ECR Ion Sources (ECRIS'16)}, 
   Busan, Korea, Aug. -, paper TUAO05, pp. 48--49,
%  ISBN: 978-3-95450-186-1,
   \url{https://doi.org/10.18429/JACoW-ECRIS2016-TUAO05}, 2016.