EPAC1990 Authors
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Author: Keil, E.

Title Page
Measurements of the LEP Coupling Source 258
  • J. Billan, D. Brandt, A.M. Fauchet, T. Fieguth, J.P. Gourber, G. Guignard, K. Hübner, L. Hand, A. Hofmann, J. Jowett, E. Keil, J.P. Koutchouk, A. Millich, H. Moshammer, T. Risselada, L. Rivkin, F. Ruggiero, R. Schmidt, E. Weihreter (CERN)
A Short Matched Spin Rotator for LEP 1497
  • H. Grote, E. Keil, E. Söderström (CERN)
Evaluation of the Emittances in LEP from the Observed Frequencies of the Coherent Beam-Beam Modes 1621
  • K. Hirata, E. Keil, P. Reynaud (CERN)
Barycentre Motion of Beams due to Beam-Beam Interaction in Asymmetric Ring Colliders 1644
  • K. Hirata, E. Keil (CERN)