Author: Majeski, R. M.
Paper Title Page
WEP076 Masking the Paul Trap Simulator Experiment (PTSX) Ion Source to Modify the Transverse Distribution Function and Study Beam Stability and Collective Oscillations 1618
  • E.P. Gilson, R.C. Davidson, P. Efthimion, R. M. Majeski, E. Startsev, H. Wang
    PPPL, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
  • M. Dorf
    LLNL, Livermore, California, USA
  Funding: Research supported by the U.S. Department of Energy.
A variety of masks were installed on the Paul Trap Simulator Experiment (PTSX) cesium ion source in order to perform experiments with modified transverse distribution functions. Masks were used to block injection of ions into the PTSX chamber, thereby creating injected transverse beam distributions that were either hollow, apertured and centered, apertured and off-center, or comprising five beamlets. Experiments were performed using either trapped plasmas or the single-pass, streaming, mode of PTSX. The transverse streaming current profiles clearly demonstrated centroid oscillations. Further analysis of these profiles also shows the presence of certain collective beam modes, such as azimuthally symmetric radial modes. When these plasmas are trapped for thousands of lattice periods, the plasma quickly relaxes to a state with an elevated effective transverse temperature and is subsequently stable. Both sinusoidal and periodic step function waveforms were used and the resulting difference in the measured transverse profiles will be discussed.
WEP276 Development of an Advanced Barium Ion Source for a Laser-Induced-Fluorescence (LIF) Diagnostic on the Paul Trap Simulator Experiment (PTSX) 1996
  • H. Wang, R.C. Davidson, P. Efthimion, E.P. Gilson, R. M. Majeski
    PPPL, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
  The Paul Trap Simulator Experiment (PTSX) is a cylindrical Paul trap that simulates the nonlinear transverse dynamics of intense charged particle beam propagation through an equivalent kilometers-long magnetic alternating-gradient (AG) focusing system. Understanding the collective dynamics and instability excitations of intense charged particle beam is of great importance for a wide variety of accelerator applications. Since the optical spectrum of barium ions is better-suited to the Laser-Induced-Fluorescence (LIF) diagnostic than cesium ions, a barium ion source is being developed to replace the cesium ion source. A Laser-Induced-Fluorescence diagnostic will be able to provide in situ measurement of the radial density profile and, ultimately, the velocity distribution function of the intense charged particle beam. The new barium ion source is expected to increase the ion density as well as minimize the number of neutral barium atoms which enter the PTSX vacuum chamber. The design includes an ionizer, an extractor, and a neutral gas filter scheme. Initial test results of this new barium ion source will be presented.