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Douglas, D.

Paper Title Page
TUP089 Electron Beam Timing Jitter and Energy Modulation Measurements at the JLab ERL 606
  • P. Evtushenko, S.V. Benson, D. Douglas, D.W. Sexton
    JLAB, Newport News, Virginia

When operating JLab high current ERL a strong reduction of the FEL efficiency was observed when increasing the average electron beam current. Investigating the FEL efficiency drop-off with the electron beam average current we also have measured the electron beam phase noise and the fast energy modulations. The so-called phase noise is essentially a variation of the time arrival of the electron bunches to the wiggler. That could be a very effective way of reducing the FEL efficiency if one takes in to account that the accelerator is routinely operated with the RMS bunch length of about 150 fs. Under a fast energy modulation we mean a modulation which can not be followed by the FEL due to its time constant, defined by the net gain. Such a modulation also could be a possible cause of the efficiency drop-off. Having the measurements made we could rule out the FEL efficiency drop-off due to either the fast energy modulation or the phase modulation. We also have learned a lot about instrumentation and techniques necessary for this kind of beam study. In this contribution we describe the used instrumentation and present results of the measurements.