Author: Zou, Y.
Paper Title Page
TUPWO023 Parasitic Slow Exraction of Extremely Weak Beam From a High-intensity Proton Rapid Cycling Synchroton 1931
  • Y. Zou, H.T. Jing, C. Meng, J.Y. Tang, Z. Yang
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  This paper proposes a new method to extract extremely weak beam from a high-intensity proton rapid cycling synchrotron in the parasitic mode, while maintaining the normal fast extraction. The usual slow extraction from a synchrotron by third-order resonance method cannot be applied in a RCS due to very short flat-top at the extraction energy. This is even more difficult when it is high-intensity synchrotron due to the strict control on beam loss. The parasitic slow extraction method to extract extremely weak beam from the RCS of CSNS has been studied in details. By moving only beam halo to a scatting foil in the arc region by a local orbit bump in about 2 ms before the fast extraction, one can extract a very small part of the scattered particles with very limited beam loss in the process. At 1.6 GeV and 62.5 A in beam power, halo particles of about 10-4 total particles are involved in the parasitic slow extraction can result in a beam intensity of 2105 protons per cycle or lower. Detailed studies including scattering effect in the foil, orbit bumps by bump magnets and energy displacement by adjusting RF, and multi-particle simulations by ORBIT and TURTLE codes are presented.