Author: Zhong, F.
Paper Title Page
MOPWA021 Design of the Air Cooling System for the High Voltage Power Supply of a Electron Accelerator 705
  • F. Zhong, X. Lei, J. Yang, L. Yang
    HUST, Wuhan, People's Republic of China
  High voltage electron accelerators are widely applied in many fields of radiation pro-cessing,and the high voltage power supply is the critical equipment for the accelerator. for the requirement of high voltage, the design of locate the power supply in a steel barrel filled with SF6 is commonly used. Considering the various losses of the power supply, an air-cooling system is needed. This paper presents the design of the air-cooling system for the high voltage power supply. The fluid simulation of SF6 based on Fluent and the optimal design of the air duct's structure and the thermal efficiency have been done. The comparison and analysis of the simulation and the empirical formula result is also carried out. It illustrates the design of the air-cooling system can satisfy the demand of the heat radiation This paper also provides an effective method for the optimal design of the air duct's structure and the maximize efficiency of heat exchange.